One of the odd aspects of the government's plan to Americanise the public health system – i.e by making healthcare access more reliant on user pay charges and private health insurance – is that it is happening in plain sight. Earlier this year, the official briefing papers to incoming Heath Minister Simeon Brown cited the rising costs of healthcare, the decline in life expectancy here as opposed to Australia, and a raft of other signs of systemic failure before concluding: The Government has options to change this dynamic and address the affordability of the health system...
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“New Zealand already has one of the highest rates of workplace deaths in the developed world. Despite this appalling record, the Government is choosing to weaken our health and safety laws,” Labour workplace relations spokesperson Jan Tinetti said.
Decision-makers need to consider who needs to be around the table at the earliest stages of policy development and think more creatively about how the policy process can work to truly empower people and communities.
Chairman Eugene Bareman says the measures will go a long way toward shifting the balance back in favour of victims and those impacted by violence.
“This is a significant milestone in the project, as the study of the excavated material will give us a greater understanding of the earliest human activity in the Bluff Harbour area and the Polynesian settlement of Aotearoa New Zealand,” says Dr Chris Jennings, who studied material from the Tiwai Point site as a major part of his PhD thesis.
The roar is the busiest period in the hunting calendar, and we cannot stress enough the importance of always confirming your target with absolute certainty. Every year, we hear of close calls that could have been avoided by following this fundamental rule. We wish everyone a safe and successful roar.
Today marks 1000 days that 65,000 mainly female care and support workers have waited for the Government to fund their pay equity claim, meaning they have missed out on about $18,600.
The Commerce Commission concludes in its final report on Auckland Airport’s 2022 – 2027 price setting event that the Airport’s forecast revenue is excessive and its targeted returns are unreasonably high, but its forecast investment falls within a reasonable range.
“Rail-enabled ferries were always a no-brainer”, says Dr Roger Blakeley, Chair of The Future Is Rail. “Whether you are looking through an economic, social, environmental lens, rail ferries just make sense.”
AFRA is urging the Government to consider the food sector’s broader role in delivering public good, and to make food rescue a regulatory requirement in any new framework for grocery market competition.
The Zero Trust Model works on strict rules to block cyberthreats. Its focus is on safety, control, and constant checks for user access and data flow.
The Commerce Commission kicks off a review of fibre broadband regulations to keep pace with market changes, including growing competition from wireless and satellite. Meanwhile, mobile termination rates could be deregulated after 14 years, and Apple Maps now show Māori rohe, marae.
Free Speech Union moves threaten to derail InternetNZ’s planned constitution update. This has implications for the non-profit’s main role managing the .nz domain registry and its other work.
Ian Powell discusses the implications of the decision of Health New Zealand to restrict the relative independence of medical officers of health and the wider ramifications for health professionals.
The courage to oppose a dominant discourse comes at a price. Powerful forces are pressing in on academics and others who dare to express alternative views. Staying silent or parroting the party line is the safer option.
The Arab world must escalate beyond mere statements, or the Middle East may endure further war, all to prolong Netanyahu’s coalition of extremists a little longer.
Healing for Netanyahu is a hard concept to envisage. His authoritarian politics is that of the supreme survivalist with lashings of expedient populism.
The biggest threat to peace is war; not Russia, not China, not Germany, not the United States of America, not Iran, not the hapless United Kingdom. Wars are a problem, not a solution. The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science.
The idea that Israel is brutalizing Palestinians simply because the Arabs are too weak to challenge the Benjamin Netanyahu government—or any government—implies that, in theory, Arab regimes could unite around Palestine. However, this view oversimplifies the matter.
“Biofuels have no place in any policy designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in shipping or in other forms of transport,” said Almuth Ernsting of the NGO Biofuelwatch.
Heavy workloads and a lack of time to focus on teaching and learning remained the top two sources of stress for principals surveyed in 2024. Student related issues, followed by mental health of staff and mental health of students round out the top five sources of stress.
Group claims each cardinal is unfit to be the next pope.
The earthquake is the latest blow to a country already struggling with escalating conflict and climate shocks. Millions of children were already living in fear and conflict, facing displacement and deepening poverty.
The move leaves Nauru, Kiribati and Tonga in the lurch, and is an insult to multilateralism. TMC has been trying to bully the international community at the ISA to serve its greedy agenda, pressuring and deceiving Pacific governments with the promise of a brighter, greener future. But TMC has finally revealed its true self.
With the election just five weeks away, Pacific climate activists in Australia are rallying to make climate a voting priority in their communities.
It tells the story of citizen soldiers becoming professional as they learned the lessons of Gallipoli and applied these to the Western Front — earning them the status of the fighting elite in the British armies in France.
Anyone living with brain injury who would find a Brain Injury Identity Card helpful should get in touch with their local Brain Injury Association. The Brain Injury Identity Card is designed to help service providers, police, staff in government entities, and others easily know that someone has a brain injury, and what the impact of this injury is.
Patients whose legs are naturally curved are responding well to a novel form of knee-replacement surgery that uses AI to find the best alignment of the new components for their body.
The Auckland Live Best Independent Debut Award celebrates Aotearoa’s most promising emerging talent. The winner will receive a $2,000 cash prize, a performance or technical upskilling opportunity courtesy of Auckland Live, and, new for 2025, a $1,200 studio recording package from Parachute Studios.
Psychologists fear that without the proper training, associate psychologists may fail to identify serious mental health issues such as suicide risk, psychosis, and personality disorders. Without a strong foundation in psychological theory and clinical skills, there is a high chance of misdiagnosis, ineffective treatment, or even harm.
If approved, Pharmac would fund both brands of oestradiol patches from 1 December 2025 and people could use either brand of patch, subject to availability. The public consultation opens on 27 March and closes on 22 April.